Adventure HO!
Set sail to the world of Penguin vs. Pirates, the first Twin-Stick Slider game! Slide into action as PC the penguin, our small, shy, but plucky heroine.
Save your penguin pals and restore Waddle Isle to its former glory while battling a boatload of bullying pirates in a colourful, cartoon adventure.
From the top of the iceberg, to the depths of the ocean, your mission is to reach the half-sunken galleon and face the Pirate Demon himself – Davy Jones!
Want to become a Penguin vs. Pirates playtester?
An Antarctic Adventure!
Once o’pon a time there were a happy group o’ penguins. They lived in little igloo houses, spent
their days sliding down the slopes o’ their iceberg, and had more mackerel than they could ever
‘ope to eat. But then one day, from out o’ the blue, sailed a galleon full o’ soggy pirates! And they
kicked down the igloos, and they scarfed up the mackerel, and they took all the penguins prisoner.
All that is, except the littlest one, wee PC the penguin.
Then the pirates packed up their booty into their galleon and began to sail away. And as they did so,
they all hung o’er the side jeerin’ and tauntin’ at poor little PC. But, this meant that not a one were
watching where they were a-goin’, so they quickly ran aground and began t’ slowly sink.
This be where you, dear player, must join the fight. It be up to you to help little PC find her courage
to battle back against these plunderin’ pirates and rescue yer penguin pals! Yer adventure will take
yeh from the tip-top o’ your iceberg, to the dark depths o’ the ocean, and right into the belly o’ the
pirate galleon beast. Along the way you’ll encounter a plethora o’ pernicious pirates, plenty o’
punch-packing power-ups, and a bevy ah bullyin’ bosses culminatin’ in the baddest pirate o’ them
their days sliding down the slopes o’ their iceberg, and had more mackerel than they could ever
‘ope to eat. But then one day, from out o’ the blue, sailed a galleon full o’ soggy pirates! And they
kicked down the igloos, and they scarfed up the mackerel, and they took all the penguins prisoner.
All that is, except the littlest one, wee PC the penguin.
Then the pirates packed up their booty into their galleon and began to sail away. And as they did so,
they all hung o’er the side jeerin’ and tauntin’ at poor little PC. But, this meant that not a one were
watching where they were a-goin’, so they quickly ran aground and began t’ slowly sink.
This be where you, dear player, must join the fight. It be up to you to help little PC find her courage
to battle back against these plunderin’ pirates and rescue yer penguin pals! Yer adventure will take
yeh from the tip-top o’ your iceberg, to the dark depths o’ the ocean, and right into the belly o’ the
pirate galleon beast. Along the way you’ll encounter a plethora o’ pernicious pirates, plenty o’
punch-packing power-ups, and a bevy ah bullyin’ bosses culminatin’ in the baddest pirate o’ them